June Tribute Gifts

Molly Kitching donated in honor of her grandson Oliver’s 5th birthday. Myndal Davis Silver contributed to honor Anita Silver’s birthday. Darlene Kaplan gave to the Glaser Fund for Senior Services […]

Too Hot to Cook? Try KMOW!

With hot summer weather in full swing, who wants to stand in front of a hot stove or oven to cook? No one! But doesn’t pot roast sound good? Or […]

New Members Join Board of Directors

JFS welcomed new members Tom Cytron-Hysom, Joel Glaser, Bruce Goodman, Jamie Maddeaux and Andy Rapoport to the board of directors during its June meeting. Tom is a consultant in the […]

May Tribute Gifts

Rena Glaser donated to the Glaser Fund for Senior Services in honor of Marshall and Darlene Kaplan’s anniversary. Richard Spicer contributed in memory of Butch Salita. Burt Garr gave a […]

JFS Therapist Receives Award

JFS therapist Beth Johnson, LMFT, recently received the Founding Mother’s Award from Minnesota Women in Psychology, an organization of women in the field of psychology established in 1977. The award […]

Summer Shabbat Celebrations

JFS Community Chaplain Rabbi Lynn Liberman, BCC, and para-chaplain and cantor Deb Winston will offer a series of three videos to celebrate Shabbat this summer. The videos will help members […]

Transition to In-Office Work Has Begun

As COVID rates decrease and vaccinations provide protection against disease, JFS has been working hard to develop thoughtful and safe plans, guided by the CDC and Minnesota Department of Health, […]