Making an Impact – Case Management Stabilizes Life of Elderly Felon
In the Making an Impact series, clients and services are featured to expand awareness of the wide array of help available at JFS and to ensure donors understand the lives they touch and the difference they make throughout the community. Client names have been changed to protect their confidentiality.
Tom was referred to JFS by Ramsey County Human Services through its contract with Medica. Tom declined the initial request to schedule a needs assessment for case management. “I don’t need any assistance,” he said. But he did agree to complete and return a self-evaluation that again indicated no concerns.
Several weeks later, his JFS case manager received a call from Tom’s daughter who had found our card in his apartment. Her concerns were many.
The rooming house he lived in had no private bath or kitchen facilities. There was no security system on the house door; his phone service had been disconnected due to non-payment; he was always behind on his rent; his room was cluttered and dirty; his hygiene was poor; he didn’t have a doctor and didn’t take prescribed medications or follow up for a stroke he suffered in the past. Tom had cognitive deficits caused by blood loss as the result of a stabbing as a young adult; had a history of alcohol abuse; and a felony conviction which made finding housing difficult. He mismanaged his own finances and was taken advantage of by others.
After meeting with Tom and his daughter, the JFS case manager put several case management services in place to help including an elderly waiver that funded in-home nursing care; daily meals on wheels; and public housing that was far less expensive and has a social worker in the building. Tom also agreed to a representative payee to manage his money.
With this assistance, Tom is now living safely, independently, and with dignity.