JFS Celebrates Volunteers

April 21-27 is national Volunteer Recognition Week. JFS hosted mocktails to honor volunteers on April 11 during Passover for All bag pick up. Nearly two dozen volunteers enjoyed making new connections, catching up with old friends, mini-bundt cakes, and Oprah Winfrey’s favorite electric lemonade, sans alcohol.

Ricardo and Bobbie Edelstein dropped into the Mocktail Volunteer Appreciation event at JFS.










Kathleen Corley, JFS Volunteer Coordinator Anne Myers, and JFS Board President Bruce Matza enjoyed a refreshing mocktail.









Rachel Crist-Harif and Sarah Khayutin discussed which mini bundt cake to indulge in.









Richard Markovitz picked up Passover for All bags filled with kosher for Passover supplies to deliver.












Mark Adelman, Myndal Silver and Etta Lambright finished packing hundreds of Passover for All bags.











JFS Office Manager Jane Cox and volunteer Myndal Silver share a hug of gratitude.











Volunteers make an extraordinary impact on JFS and its clients. The following 363 volunteers generously gave 1,884 hours of their time during 2023 in support of JFS and its clients, valued at approximately $59,911.

Joni Abramson
Mark Adelman
Zoey Alch
Linda Alter
Cheryl Anderson
Semyon Axelrod
Andrea Backes
Beth Jacob Congregants
Julia Biel
Michael Chauss
Cheder Students
Lisa Cohen
Dan Contreras Jr.
Tom Cytron-Hysom
Samuel Dalwood
Maureen Davidson
Charles Davidson
Myndal Davis Silver
Gary Devitt
Lisa Dorn
Fred Dulles
Gerard Engelen
Randy Eylmann
Mari Forbush
Becky Foy
Rachel Frank
Alan Frechtman
Linda Friedman
Nancy Fushan
Adam Garen
Joel Glaser
Rena Glaser
Bruce Goodman
Tim Gothmann
Mitzi Gramling
David Gray
Robin Gray
Whitney Green
Barb Grossman
Leslie Hahn
Diane Hallock
Amy Herbst
Mimi Houston
JCC Early Childhood Center Kids
Bea Johnson
Beth Johnson
Carly Johnston
Linda Kahn
Faina Kanevetsky
Sarah Khayutin & Family
Peggy Kipp
Esti Koen
Sloane Kohnstamm
Luciano Kolodny
Bert Kritzer
Robin Lackner
Etta Lambright
Stan Lapidos
Janet Leavitt
Irv Lerner
Susan Levey
Steve Levin
Sarah Levine
Barbie Levine
Harriet Levy
Jamie Maddeaux
Don Mains
Yuliya Makhlin & Family
Joe Marin
Judi Levin Marshall
Morgan Marvin
Bruce Matza
Mary McKay
Mickey Minsberg
Susan Minsberg
Kathryn Monikowski
Mount Zion Congregants
NCSY Group
Sara Lynn Newberger
Ruth Olkon
Jon Paritz
Linda Passon-McNally
Charles Rafkowicz
Andy Rapoport
Jared Rolsky
Alicia Rouse & Family
Nancy Rowe
Jodi Saltzman
Nina Samuels
Stuart Sanders
Lynne Sanders
Gary Sankary
Karen Schanfield
Jim Scheib
Stuart Schmitz
Naomi Schoenberg
Mary Schulz
Peter Schulz
Alexandra Schwartz
Sue Schwartz
Kate Searls
Marjorie Sigel
Margie Solomon
Larry Solomon
Daniel Sperling
Jerry Swarsensky
Talmud Torah Students
Temple of Aaron Congregants
Sadie Teske
Marsha Weiner
Julia Wolfe
Paige Yanny
Yedidya Yasu
Masha Yevzelman
Marsha Zimmerman