B’Yachad Holiday Gift Bag Distribution Brings Joy

It can be difficult to interpret who experiences greater joy with the B’Yachad Holiday Gift Bag program, the giver or the receiver. This year, JFS had 220 opportunities to try to answer this query, and yet, the question remains unanswered.

Staff from JFS and local synagogues, as well as community members, referred Jewish and non-Jewish clients and neighbors to the program this year. Twenty-seven volunteers traveled to many locations, as far away as Chaska, to deliver bags filled with goodies and greetings. Volunteers say this is a fun, easy way to help others. Some enjoy delivering with their partners and/or children and teaching them about community service.

Many of the recipients are older adults, but not all. They express their gratitude for the gift, but it is very obvious that more than anything, they appreciate being thought of and having a visitor. Many use the gift card included in the bag to buy gifts for family members.

This annual program is supported by donations. Please consider giving to the program here.