Making an Impact: With a Little Extra Effort, Staff is Able to Keep KMOW for Client

In the Making an Impact series, clients and services are featured to expand awareness of the wide array of help available at JFS and to ensure donors understand the lives they touch and the difference they make throughout the community. Names have been changed to protect privacy.

“Joe” had been receiving three Kosher Meals on Wheels (KMOW) each week since last summer after hearing about the JFS program from a neighbor in his apartment building who receives KMOW. Recently, instead of receiving his order for next month’s meals, the JFS program coordinator received a note from the client saying, “thanks for the help but please cancel my meals.” The coordinator decided to call the client and gently explore the reason. She suspected the issue was cost. During their call, she told him about Ramsey County Emergency Food Security, a program she believed he could utilize.

He did meet eligibility requirements and was able to continue receiving KMOW.