Annual Passover for All Program Seeks Donations and Volunteers
JFS is recruiting volunteers for Passover for All, an annual community outreach effort. In partnership with the Minnesota JCC, kosher-for-Passover food and supplies are provided to families to help them celebrate the holiday.
There are three opportunities to help with this outreach effort. First, a gift of $36 will provide one Passover for All bag that contains an array of traditional kosher-for-Passover food and holiday greetings. Donate here.
Volunteers are also being recruited to safely deliver the gift bags. Sign up here to pick up bags at JFS on Sunday, April 3 between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and deliver the bags to the doorsteps of Passover for All bag recipients by April 8. Russian-speaking volunteers are especially needed.
Adults and children are encouraged to create holiday cards to be inserted in every bag. Drop your creations in the marked plastic bin outside the door to JFS, located at 1633 7th St W in St. Paul, by March 31.
Contact JFS Community Engagement Manager Jodi Saltzman at (651) 983-0965, for more information about volunteer opportunities.