Bikur Cholim in 2022: Renewal, Revival, Resilience
Again this year, Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains, Kavod v’Nichum, Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies and The Jewish Board will sponsor Bikur Cholim in 2022: Renewal, Revival, Resilience virtually on alternate Mondays January 10 through April 25 from 6:00 to 7:30PM CST.
“This is a wonderful conference,” said JFS Community Chaplain Rabbi Lynn Liberman, BCC. “Anyone caring for or visiting with the sick will find these sessions helpful in dealing with the challenges and new demands we face.”
Join any of the remaining sessions by registering here.
January 24 with Chaplain Bruce Feldstein, “Responding to New Challenges: Spiritual Care as an Architecture in Time: Compassionate Presence and Sacred Encounter”
February 7 with Rabbi Edythe Held Mencher, Dr. Elaine Rotenberg, “Compassion Fatigue and Caring for the Caregiver”
February 21 with Shelley Christensen, “At the Intersection of Spirituality and Disability — How to Support Individuals and Families”
March 7 with Rabbi Janet Madden, “Grieving Differently: Encountering Deferred and Disenfranchised Grief in these Pandemic Times”
March 21 with Rabbi Simkha Weintraub, “Adapting to the New Challenges: Attending to Community Mental Health”
April 4 with Reb Simcha Raphael, Rabbi Geela Rayzel Raphael, “Praying with the Dying and Their Families: Spiritual and Practical Dimensions”
April 25 with Rabbi Judith Beiner, “Kavanot: Prayers, Poetry and Meditations for the Caregiver”