Making an Impact: Job Search Assistance Helps Client Land Professional Position

In the Making an Impact series, clients and services are featured to expand awareness of the wide array of help available at JFS and to ensure donors understand the lives they touch and the difference they make throughout the community.

Sarah had been looking for a new job for months before she turned to JFS Employment Services for help. Five years ago, she earned her bachelor’s degree in social science, worked a few office jobs after that, and then decided to pursue a vocational certification as a surgical technologist.

She became passionate about this medical field and secured a great internship at a local hospital. However, after she became fully certified, she had trouble landing interviews for jobs in her new field. JFS Employment Specialist Nancy Cohen worked with Sarah to fine-tune her cover letters and resumes toward specific job postings.

With greater targeting, Sarah’s resumes started catching the attention of recruiters. Once requests for interviews began, Nancy helped Sarah prepare for each interview. Sarah, like most people, had trouble articulating an example of “how she resolved issues with a difficult patient,” or a succinct answer to “tell me about yourself.” But with Nancy’s calm help, Sarah formulated answers that displayed her confidence and experience.

After several months of increasingly active job searching, Sarah received a full-time job offer at one of her first-choice
employers. She is now on her way in a new, high-paying and highly fulfilling medical career that offers significant advancement opportunities for decades to come.