Making an Impact: Care Never Stops

In the Making an Impact series, clients and services are featured to expand awareness of the wide array of help available at JFS and to ensure donors understand the lives they touch and the difference they make throughout the community.

Philip is a 55-year-old client on the Ramsey County Disability Waiver. He has been disabled since 2004 and lives in a high rise. Through his contracted case management service, Philip receives weekly skilled nursing visits, daily personal care assistance, meals on wheels and independent living skills assistance. These services have enabled Philip to continue living in the community instead of a nursing home setting.

Philip recently had a total hip replacement with a very short hospitalization. The JFS case manager used her laptop computer to monitor her email over the weekend. As she feared, Philip was scheduled to be discharged to his home on a Sunday which would create a delay in his services until Monday.

She immediately contacted Philip and hospital staff to make sure Philip had a safe transition into his home and created a plan for Sunday evening including a ride home, his evening injection and a meal.