PEARLS Training Class Offered by JFS Counselor

Avi Natan-Zadaka

JFS will offer PEARLS (Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding Lives for Seniors) training January 7 and 14 to professionals including counselors, therapists, social workers, nurses and administrators. The two-day training equips all members of a PEARLS team to implement PEARLS successfully in their organization. The training will be led by skilled PEARLS therapist Avi-Natan Zadaka, LICSW. Avi has experience in clinical work with individuals, families and groups working through trauma, abuse, grief, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, spiritual concerns, relationship issues, and family of origin issues.

JFS was the first agency to bring PEARLS to Minnesota. Last year, JFS conducted master training with staff from the Korean Service Center (KSC) in St. Paul in order to teach other counselors in the Korean community how to conduct PEARLS therapy.

PEARLS is short-term counseling and life coaching that supports clients in taking manageable action steps towards goals that support their mood and well-being. The program offers eight free in-home (ZOOM/phone during COVID) short-term counseling sessions for older adults and caregivers who are dealing with low mood or depression.

JFS is partnering with JFCS to bring PEARLS to older adults across the Twin Cities and surrounding communities.

JFS will host quarterly networking sessions post-training for those implementing the program for technical assistance and support/learning from one another.

Please contact if you are interested in learning more about online two-day PEARLS training.

PEARLS is supported, in part, by a Live Well at Home grant from the Minnesota Department of Human Services.