August Tribute Gifts

JFS Tribute Gifts

Molly Kitching made a donation in honor of the birth of her grandson, Oscar.

Susan Goodman Rapport gave a gift in honor of Bruce Goodman.

Barbara Hirsekorn contributed in memory of Henry Snyder.

Bonnie Jaffe made a donation in memory of Sheila Alpert. May her memory be a blessing.

Carolyn Belle gave a gift in honor of Rabbi Lynn Liberman.

Rena Glaser contributed in honor of the birthday of a family member.

Eunice Gelb contributed in memory of Henry Snyder.

Steve Godes made a donation in honor of Alan Miller’s 80th birthday.

Louise Segal gave a gift in honor of the birth of her granddaughter.

Melissa Krasnow contributed in honor of Brian Krasnow’s birthday.