Friendly Visitors Available to Chat
JFS’s new Friendly Remote Visitor program (FRV), created to combat the isolation and loneliness of the COVID-19 stay at home directive, has recruited and trained a group of volunteers who are eager to help.
FRV partners are discovering many new resources to turn to for fun, learning, and connecting with the community. Tom, a gentleman in his 80’s said, “I had no idea there is so much out there. Thank you for telling me! I will look into those resources.” Tom quickly made use of one resource, a list of online mental health tools that will help him be more mindful and focus on gratitude during this tough time away from those he loves. Tom shared this with his volunteer caller: “It is nice to know others are feeling the same way and it is normal in this very not normal time.”
If you or anyone you know could benefit from a phone call with a friendly volunteer, just to check in, chat a bit, and reassure them that someone cares, please contact Margie Solomon at (651) 690-8907 or by email at