Deadline to Apply to Become a Volunteer Para-Chaplain is October 11
As a way to bring a listening presence to those in need of spiritual support and encouragement, in particular to the unaffiliated, marginalized, limited in mobility or forgotten Jews of the Twin Cities, our Community Chaplaincy is offering training for a second para-chaplaincy cohort.
Para-chaplains are specially trained volunteers who, under the direction of the Community Chaplaincy Program, extend the reach of our community chaplain to help more people in need.
Training sessions will begin on Monday, November 4, and last for seven weeks through December 16, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Following the completion of training, cohort members will be matched to clients. This pairing may include one-to-one monthly visits with the same client, regular monthly visits to Jews who are incarcerated, leading holiday celebrations for those who are shut in, or other options to be announced.
Click here if you would like to watch a short video featuring one of our para-chaplains and the client she visits. Click here to volunteer to become a para-chaplain. The deadline to apply is October 11. Once we have your application, you will be scheduled for an interview. If accepted into the program, your commitment is expected to be for one year, with the option to continue after that.
If you would like more information, please contact Rabbi Lynn Liberman, JFS Community Chaplain at (651) 434-4112.