New Para-Chaplain Training Opportunity this Fall
JFS is excited to announce the launch of our second Para-Chaplain Cohort, the unique and in-depth training of volunteers to work with Jews in need throughout our Twin Cities community.
The training will be held on Mondays for seven weeks from November 4 through December 16 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at JFS. Our extensive training includes Jewish text study, an opportunity for personal growth and self-reflection, skill enhancement around the power of being present for another, group building, insights into our aging population, learning about dementia and other related diseases and further insights around Jewish healing and related Jewish rituals.
As in the past, once our volunteers complete their training, they are then matched to work one-on-one with a client for a commitment of minimally one year. New this year will be the possibility for volunteers to work with several clients all located in one building, leading of holiday celebrations for our clients, or working with women at a local prison.
Interested in being a part of this program? Applications to volunteer are available here. The deadline to apply is October 11.
Call JFS Community Chaplain Rabbi Lynn Liberman at (651) 434-4112 for more information.