Two Contracted Care Management Teams Undergo Annual Audit

Social Workers

The UCare and Medica contracted care management teams recently underwent their annual audits to ensure they are in compliance with the various regulations outlined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS). After a stressful day waiting for the results, both teams scored well and received compliments from the auditors.

Both health plans were given minor documentation improvement recommendations. Every client must have a completed 33-page initial assessment, care plan and case notes to ensure compliance with a specific set of approximately 75 different required regulations/standards.

JFS contracted care management teams have earned praise from the auditors for the dedication and good work the teams consistently provide their clients.
JFS UCare Team

Left to right: Tracy Lindstrom, Mary Robinson, Taylor Solfest, Mary Boraas, Miley Anderson, Angela Renneberg, Ben Mushel, Jodi Rammer, Grace Lundquist, Betsy Mace, Vanessa Luxford, Tracy Metzig.

JFS Medica Team

Left to right: Andrea Perla, Tong Lor, Irina Margolin, Marina Starr, Alina Ouchveridze.