Dementia Film and Discussion Series

The Twin Cities Jewish Alzheimer’s Task Force, a collaboration between Jewish Family Service of St. Paul (JFS), Jewish Children and Family Service of Minneapolis, and St. Paul Jewish Community Center will present the Dementia Film and Discussion Series. The series, originally offered in 2017, will feature a movie followed by discussion led by a dementia care expert.

“This was a very successful series when it was originally offered in 2017,” explained JFS Aging and Disability Director Chris Rosenthal. “Film brings the story to life with sight, sound and motion in a way that text cannot. If you are dealing with dementia, these films act out some part of what you’ve experienced or learned in your journey. Following the film with group discussion and information about community resources can help participants understand that they are not alone; articulate their feelings; and discover useful tools and resources.”

The first meeting will be on Sunday, March 3, from 9:30 AM to noon at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center (JCC). The feature film will be “I Remember Better When I Paint.” It explores the positive power of people with memory loss being involved with the creative arts. Occupational Therapist Sue Ryan will lead the group discussion following the film. Please RSVP by February 26.

“Timeless Love,” an emotional family drama dealing with caregiving, family dynamics and the power of music will be shown on Sunday, March 17, from 9:30 AM to noon at the JCC. Lori La Bey, speaker, trainer and advocate for those living and dealing with dementia, will lead the group discussion. Please RSVP by March 12.

The series is free and open to the public. A continental breakfast will be served. Transportation is available upon request. RSVP to the JCC at (651) 698-0751. This event is sponsored by the Twin Cities Jewish Community Alzheimer’s Task Force and Brian and Sandy Kamin. For more information, contact Barbie Levine at or (651) 255-4734.