UCare Team Earns Perfect Score During Annual Audit

During June, a representative from UCare visited JFS to complete the annual program audit. Through a contract, JFS provides case management service to UCare patients.

The UCare team, led by Program Manager Jill Grover, achieved 100 percent compliance. The metrics used in the audit are focused in three primary areas: annual holistic assessment, care plan development with goals and delivery to health care providers, and care plan monitoring with hands-on management during health events and crises.

“The team worked very hard to prepare for the audit,” said Jill. “They had to compile and review each client record including the initial 33 page assessment, care plan, and case notes to ensure compliance with a specific set of approximately 75 different regulations/standards that UCare requires of us as part of our work.”

After the case manager completed their review, Jill sat down with them and went over every detail in the every file.

Achieving 100 percent compliance is nearly impossible. In previous years, the UCare team scored in the 70 percent range and then in the 90s. “In my experience and the comments I’ve heard from my peers in the industry, it is incredible that the audit revealed NOTHING wrong with our work,” said Jill.

“For me, this score means the team is working at an incredibly high standard. The staff values their work and meeting the needs of their clients. I know I can trust they are doing an excellent job for JFS and their clients,” said Jill.

“As the program manager, I have a ‘mama-bear’ sense of pride. I just want to brag to the world about how awesome the team is!”