Kosher Meals on Wheels Article in Star Tribune

The Star Tribune recently published an article about the JFS Kosher Meals on Wheels program. Click HERE to read the story.

“Some clients wouldn’t have a meal without this,” said Bob Bezecny, delivery driver. “They just don’t bother to cook and have very little appetite.”

Client Lois Seltzer echoed his sentiments. “I started receiving Kosher Meals on Wheels after my husband passed away,” said Lois. “I don’t cook much anymore, especially not for just myself, so this program provides me with a well-balanced meal that represents my culture.”

You can provide a gift to the Adler Endowment Fund to support Kosher Meals on Wheels by clicking on the DONATE button on the home page of our website.

Do you have a Kosher Meals on Wheels story you can share? Contact Molly at (651) 690-8931 or MKITCHING@JFSSP.ORG. JFS will share your story of how the programs that are planned and prepared actually come to life for people.

To learn more about Kosher Meals on Wheels, click HERE or contact Mary, JFS Meals on Wheels Coordinator at (651) 278-8428 or MROBINSON@JFSSP.ORG.