February Tribute Gifts

Marjorie Sigel donated in memory of Rita Stollman Levin. Brian M. Krasnow contributed to the Brian and Judith R. Krasnow Fund for Senior Services congratulating his cousin on his milestone […]

January Tribute Gifts

Mitchell Wittenberg and Jaine Strauss donated in honor of Debbie Vertelney and all she does on behalf of JFS and its staff and clients. Rena Glaser contributed to honor Jan […]

December Tribute Gifts

Raline Paper donated in honor of Dr. Richard Smookler’s birthday. Rena Glaser contributed in memory of Michael Wagner. Steve Godes made a gift in honor of Steve Levin. Elizabeth Doherty […]

November Tribute Gifts

Jay Krasnow donated to the Brian & Judith R. Krasnow Fund for Senior Services in honor of Brian and Judy’s special anniversary. Gerald Laurie contributed in memory of Lewis Goldstein. […]

October Tribute Gifts

Carla Grosmann donated in honor of Chris Kellogg. Rena Glaser made a gift in honor of Diane Smookler’s birthday. Rena Glaser contributed in honor of Noam’s bar mitzvah. Rena Glaser […]

September Tribute Gifts

Rena Glaser donated in honor of Marshall Kaplan’s birthday. Myndal Davis Silver contributed to honor Margie Solomon’s receipt of the Susie Selcer Leadership Award. Ruth Strauss made a gift in […]

August Tribute Gifts

Molly Kitching made a donation in honor of the birth of her grandson, Oscar. Susan Goodman Rapport gave a gift in honor of Bruce Goodman. Barbara Hirsekorn contributed in memory […]

July Tribute Gifts

Debbie Vertelney made a donation wishing Renee Heisler, Gila Spero and Paula Edelstein a return to good health. Marjorie Sigel contributed in honor and appreciation of Ruth Olkon. Jay Krasnow […]

June 2020 Tribute Gifts

Sheri Yarosh made a gift in honor of Chris Rosenthal’s retirement. Brian Krasnow contributed in memory of Lauren Malmon. Brian Krasnow donated in honor of Julie Krasnow. Myndal Davis Silver […]

May Tribute Gifts

Rena Glaser contributed in honor of Darlene and Marshall Kaplan’s anniversary and made another donation to honor John Larson and wish him a speedy recovery. Rena also donated in honor […]