UCARE Care Coordination Team Receives Perfect Score During Annual Audit

The JFS UCARE care coordination team has done it again. For the second consecutive year, the team has earned a 100 percent compliance score on their annual audit.

“The magnitude of this accomplishment cannot be overstated,” said JFS Care Coordination Manager Breanna Bosshart. “We are rated in three cells, or areas. Combined, 100 specific metrics are audited. We must meet both initial assessment and follow up timelines as well as a required number of follow up contacts. The care plans we create are also audited for measurable and specific goals with follow up plans. All of this must meet DHS and UCARE documentation requirements. Preparing for an audit is a big lift for the team.”

With two consecutive audits earning 100 percent compliance, the team has earned a year off. UCARE will not audit the program again until 2024. “Whew,” said Bre.