Legacy Established Decades Ago Benefits JFS

Many decades ago, Flora Levine created a trust for the benefit of her daughter, Lois, to use during her life. She also designated several St. Paul Jewish organizations to share the remainder of the trust after Lois passed on.

Flora passed away in 1989. Lois lived on for many years and died this past April. During the 29 years that she survived after her mother, Lois was able to use her mother’s trust.

Flora’s decision to provide for her daughter, and, if any funds remained in the trust, provide for an agency whose mission she supported, resulted in JFS recently receiving a check for more than $39,000, a legacy that will significantly impact the work JFS does.

You can make a legacy pledge to JFS now with no out-of-pocket cost. It is an after-lifetime gift.

By creating an estate plan that includes your children and JFS, you can provide for your children and loved ones. After those provisions are complete, your personal charitable values are honored.

Without an estate plan, state laws will determine the disposition of your estate. Even if you don’t have a family, you should still create an estate plan that reflects the things you care about.

Make a difference, give back, be part of a community vision. Whatever your motivation, contact CHARLIE LEVINE to ensure the legacy you wish to leave.